Tag: Gary Hall

  • Where are they now? Gary Hall walks out on engagement.

    Where are they now? Gary Hall walks out on engagement.

    Gary Hall was the creep who hit on me pretty aggressively well I was healing from my concussion. I used a fake God delusion to chase them away. Cause I was tired of him using me for sex. What happened with him?

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  • Talking with My ex on TindR.

    Talking with My ex on TindR.

    I wish I had the screenshots to prove it. My ex Jacob is an apologist for the Diaper Fetish. I usually use last names. However let’s say I learned ambiguity from Who TF did I marry on Tik Tok? I finally got have a much needed conversation with an ex. Only to find out 1.…

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  • My problem with Gary Hall

    My problem with Gary Hall

    This a summary of the termination of a friendship with Gary Hall that had evolved to being toxic. Reading this could be excellent insight into Disabled people & their problematic relationships.

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