What I think a Communist should be? A Criticism of Lenin.

Written by Ashton Deroy

I’m a Communist! In an abstract way…. I will be imbedding this with links on Communist articles of interest. Last worked on 8/9/2023 at 7:06PM

I don’t really care for this garbage though. Marxism does not call for you to worship at the feet of your Dictator. That was just how a Law School Drop out chose to interpret it. When he absorbed Progressive philosophy? Then decided to take it too the most violent place imaginable.

For a guy who writes such harsh Criticisms of Social Democracy! Which is probably closer to what my beliefs are. Lenin himself doesn’t do anything to create a better system. Lenin takes Marxism and uses it to create a gigantic centralized power that goes against Progressive philosophy

A topic I can tell he is familiar with but twisted in a sadistic manner. He does this through dominating the narratives. Then bullying the opposition of Social Democrats as Socialist in name only. By normalizing State monopolies, crushing Separate Unions & creating a system of class exploitation. Lenin proves himself to be the true Imperialist.

The German Social Democrats Lenin so despises. In 1918–1919 they were combatting hunger & helping Soldiers return to normal life after World war 1. “In In August 1918, after a speech to workers at the Moscow Corn Exchange, Lenin was shot and badly injured.” Wikipedia. So the Social Democrats were creating better outcomes for people. Well a Communist tyrant was paying a price for the person he oppressed.

In Analyzing the USSR in The Great Course Plus on Audible. You can see by leveraging a system of Total Control. Instead of creating an equal society without class or Nation State. They created an Empire of Stallin by centralizing a massive amount of Power & Military Might behind him. That is definitionally building an empire.

I am a Communist to the extent that I don’t believe the pursuit of more equity is a bad pursuit. I am not a Communist to the extent. I do not believe in Personality Cults, Military conquest & Environmental destruction. Equality by Massive oppression is not a system I would support. Just cause the USSR didn’t specifically just target Jewish people for camps. Doesn’t mean they didn’t put Jewish people into horrific camps! This is disgusting and wrong.

I believe in your right to a Religion that doesn’t harass me for being gay.

I am also by my nature a Free Speech enthusiast as to begin with. It allows us to review works that have toppled Societies and created Empires. Without your own government fearing you will try to do the same. Which I won’t. Cause Unintelligent Self obsessed people shouldn’t exercise absolute power!

So what do you do when you see the world can benefit from more equality but you notice in North America the deck is stacked a bit against the Social Democrats. You join the more moral side. Basically because Conservatives tried to convince us that All Communists and Social Democrats are blood thirsty people out to worship a tyrant. Not simply people in the pursuit of more equity. People condemned these ideas. However Only a Sadistic mind would interpret Marx the way Lenin did. He would only do so for the pure pursuit of Power & becoming a virtual King. By it’s nature You are supposed to consume Marxism and Progressive theory together. Not separately and therefore create a system that goes entirely against the interests of a Society that pursuits modernization. Remember there were Social Democrats at the start & end of the USSR. They tended to be the people with the less oppressive governing style.

My thinking is: A good Social Democrat & Communist should always bend the system for the Broader tolerance + Unity of more & more people. They shouldn’t be on a mission of empire building. Or Oppression & mass murder. They should follow their ancestors from the 1930s and fight for Labor rights.

Final Thoughts on this title: This book is cherry picked crap written by a psychopathic mad man who skimmed Progressive theory. Then decided tyranny would be better suited for him. I say this because he understood how Businesses gradually out compete & become monopolies. However his only solution to it was “Have the government run those Business Monopolies.” No… Break them up you moron for the benefit of the Consumers! You also want this book to kind of play out like Star Wars in 2023. “Tell me a story on how Capitalism becomes Empire!” Instead it is just Technical observations by a mad man about old Economies.

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