For my 30th Birthday I ran the Terry Fox Run.

Written By Ashton Deroy

Hello I am Ashton Deroy I am Autistic, a head injury Survivor and I lived with ADHD Psychosis.

This was my step count 9/17/2023 . Posted 3:15PM.

A few years ago I struggled with a head injury and I have been trying to bounce back from that. Well Today I showed improvement. I ran with other Disabled persons in the Terry Fox run today in Belleville Ontario.

The Terry Fox run took place around 8:30AM around Zwick’s Park Sunday 9/17/2023 .

Facts about the run:

  1. I fell twice —> I Don’t even care I did worse things right after the head injury when I was in hysterical pain. Way more embarrassing things.
  2. I gassed out early. Cause I have to quit smoking Pot.
  3. The Terry Fox Foundation has raised 1 Million dollars since it was first founded.
  4. Ashton Deroy contributed $40. Which is my largest contribution since I was 14. Click here for the proof or to contribute a donation. It looks like the donation page is staying open as of 9/17/2023 1:19 PM
  5. I wrote tributes to people who died of Cancer and survived it. Here are a few shots of the tributes

Tribute Slideshow from the Run

This is what I wanted to do for my 30th Birthday. I wanted to prove I am Adult still trying to function with a mental health disability.

Another Autistic Voice

We may not have the same voice but she makes some logical points. Fat Acceptance is an extreme anti-health position. I am a fan of Health at every size + a philosophy you exercise like you brush your teeth My philosophy is Everyday with a minimum of 1 hour of recorded physical activity. Where I disagree with this autistic person? Is that I am pro-Woke ‘Gasp!” There isn’t really much to be against though. I take the perspective that since the Civil War there were major efforts to rollback rights of people from different ethnic groups & specific targets on Black people. I consider this the origin story to my Wokeness. That being said I still watch Wrestling, Porn and Family Guy. You decide how Woke I really am. ‘ Where this relates? Like it or not? An Unhealthy lifestyle leads to cancer. There are Racial Minorities suffering the impacts of Environmental racism and being gaslight by the Conservative Establishment. These people are also showing up and ending up with Cancer.

A Nice tribute to Terry Fox on Audible.

Why did an Eco-Socialist Mental Health Journal website cover the Terry Fox Run? Eco-Socialist refers to someone with a donation alignment to the Green Party who also votes for Candidates who express an interest in Social Democratic Reforms. Mental Health wise. This relates to my mental health because when I was 17-18? My mom made me live with grandma Pat well she was attempting to care for my Great Aunt Lillian who had cancer. I had to hear her suffer almost nightly well I tried to finish off my High School Diploma in Ontario Canada. I describe myself as a pill popper. I was also smoking a few cigarettes around this time. Despite the fact a woman with Lung Cancer was dying right in front of me. (Yes it was the kind from smoking.) That was traumatic. Though for the record I liked aunt Lillian. Thought she was a great person. We didn’t get along 100% of the time. However she is my cousin Chrissy’s mom .

(I mentioned Cousin Chrissy in a prior post. She helped me get my first job.)

The link between Cancer & an unhealthy lifestyle. As well as air pollution is undeniable. We aren’t going to keep polluting and continue with this Super Size me society. Then remain healthy forever. We have to make changes. The goal isn’t forever health. It is lower emissions and something to offer future generations. Unless you hate kids? Which would actually make sense. You know what they say? Pro-Life Conservatives only care about children until they are born. Then they don’t care and think caring is inherently ‘Socialism” . I am telling you right now…. Leave the cult! You absolutely unbearable idiots. Time to vote for parties that are globalist, Pro-Ukraine & Science oriented. Conservatives created Trickle down Economics… It lead to this!

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