Tokyo Smoke Best Customer service in Belleville Ontario Cannabis? Nah they Bait & Switch.

Written by Ashton Deroy

Tokyo Smoke in Belleville may want to consider a different brag than Best customer service. Cause They did a Bait & Switch. It wasn’t the first one. Quite frankly it won’t be the last.

This could of been avoided if the Budtender Charlotte was trained Properly. If Tokyo Smoke accepted returns in the case of Want of Understanding? Or didn’t just completely misrepresent the sale! Selling a Infused Cannabis hard candy as an infused Cannabis soft chew like the customer has wanted. Feel free to correct this claim at 613-888-1958. Not on Tokyo Smoke’s behalf but if you are George William who left this review. I want to save it so if it gets taken down we have a record. I voiced my opinion on this matter and believe in this what amounted to a $80 sale should of been refunded. Charlotte should of been corrected for not taking the product out of the back before selling it. This is by the way the course of action the old manager would of taken. I said it before…. READ DON’T SKIM text related to products. Unethical practice and the inability to correct. Are partly why I left Tokyo Smoke. I have no problem saying ‘You need to be Shopping somewhere else. This entirely unethical practice for a Business.” It is at the least sloppy. At the most it is malicious.

I also witnessed:

  • Tokyo Smoke send Promotional Emails for products we didn’t carry or intend to Carry. Proving they need to do the email campaigns in a region specific way.

I will be writing crazy things from & about the Cannabis Industry. Today we talked about misrepresenting the sale. I highly encourage Tokyo Smoke to re-educate on Bait & Switch. It might be relevant to this incident. I am just saying!

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