Happy May the 4th

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Get your Disney + and celebrate Star Wars day. I am smoking some Cherry Jam from True North Belleville Ontario.

Well I was a gamer? One of my Favorite games was Star Wars Battle Front for the PlayStation.

Why Anakin should be a Villain? There is something wrong with the world today where people with a last name like Deroy they tell people from a background with enslaved ancestors. ‘Get over it.” This is not a statement I agree with. Anakin should be a villain. Cause a history of Enslavement should leave someone broken inside. Especially when coping with the fact he left his mother potentially in a state of enslavement. He should be broken inside. He should fixate on his mother. To some extent he should go on a nice little killing spree!. To some extent the brutality is consistent to his background. Ex slaves and Peasants that became a dictator many times became butchers themselves. All I ever went through was a head injury on the job. I became a monster to some extent. Not a real physical monster. However a mental monster who maybe is unfair to people online.

Something breaks in someone when they begin idealizing a Dictatorship. I even mean this in regards to Communists. However Anakin Idealizing the creation of the intergalactic Empire. It applies here to. They are saying this is the way we got to do things. Nothing else works for me. Yet you get the feeling even in Star Wars. The system is dependent to compromise. All Democracies are reliant on compromise. That is why we keep at it, keep speaking up and we do our best to contribute. Shame those that step out of line and refuse to serve their constituents. Applaud those that champion the causes of the people. My Commentary has always spoken to that. Anakin would choose Palpatine to champion him Governance by Revenge of the Sith. (His ultimate faith is in himself.) I have been choosing Jagmeet Singh to Champion my Political ideals. (My ultimate faith is in someone else.) My confidence has been greatly overstated.

History would suggest as a Queer Disabled individual. I would never be well Served by any kind of Dictatorship. Most of them seem to kill us! Speaking about Struggling autistic people. Although allegedly in some areas of China Autistic Chinese adults may smuggle North Korean or foreign brides. I wouldn’t say having a servant spouse is a dream of mine per say. I prefer normalcy. There is something normal about Egalitarian in Principle Intimate relationships.

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