Why I find R-Truth in WWE Relateable?

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2024 was a year of Creative Brilliance for R-Truth in WWE. I have to say. Since my brain injury in 2020. I mix up people’s names. I am also a bit annoying. When I got my big Tax return in April? I knew I had to pick up an R-Truth T-Shirt.

I guess the joke of this shirt is Dominic Mysterio. A wrestling villain. Sounds like Tom & Nick Mysterio. Again since my brain injury in 2020. I mix up my words now and again. Part of this blog AshtonDeroy.com has been me practicing my language and memory skills.

Sometimes Wrestling gets boring and repetitive. It is nice when someone annoying, brain damaged or crazy breaks the monotony and makes us laugh.


R-Truth Entered the Women’s Royal Rumble. Thankfully as a man he eliminated no one. Then got thrown over by Nia Jax. Who by the way? Was clearly improvising. She likely had no idea she would be dealing with R-Truth’s Gimmick before this happened. Cause again part of his shine is the spontaneous stupid & crazy nature of some of the stunts he pulls.

Right now R-Truth is tag team Champions with the Miz. The Miz is basically the best thing to happen to Pro-Wrestling since Andy Kaufman. I like this team. I like their origin story. They were initially featured back in the day during the Big Rock Versus Cena storyline 2011-2012. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChiLWi-mBvU 12 years later they went from lame villains. To semi funny Heroic characters.

With this in mind. I find R-Truth Relatable because he is crazy, mixes things up in his head & he is spontaneous. I really grew up watching this guy Wrestle. I guess after 12+ Years he made an impression on me.

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