Where are they now? Gary Hall walks out on engagement.

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https://ashtonderoy.com/2022/12/09/my-problem-with-gary-hall/ – Gary Hall was the creep who hit on me pretty aggressively well I was healing from my concussion. I used a fake God delusion to chase them away. Cause I was tired of him using me for sex. What happened with him?

Well he got engaged according to one of my craziest Readers Leah. Then immediately ran out on the engagement. In Leah’s words. Costing her hundreds a dollars in prepaid Gummy worms for the Wedding she had been planning. Basically he only agreed to marry her to use her for sexual gratification.

I think it is important to remember that Gary Hall is actually highly abusive to people with mental health issues. You might think every feud this blog has had was pointless. However look at how Gary Hall treated his own ex-fiance. ‘Well he is disabled. We should cut him some slack.” Actually this attitude can lead to allowing Disabled people continuing abusive and manipulative behaviors.

The truth is. Gary Hall has been in the Incel + Pro-Andrew Tate Scene. None of this is good. If a relative actually cared for him? They might have a conversation about some of the toxic behaviors he has adapted over the years. Maybe living in front of a TV screen most of your life isn’t making him the healthiest person?

Their Engagement ring. It takes a kind of true unconditional love to say yes to a candy ring on Leah’s part.

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