Dear Crystal Hefner: Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself Response.

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Crystal Hefner for the rest of my life I am going to look at porn differently, talk about relics of misogyny negatively and increase judgment of elder people never held properly accountable. Thank you for telling your story. I gave you a 5 star review on Audible. Crystal Hefner is the Widow of Playboy Superstar Hugh Hefner. It turns out he was kind of good and bad.

I am now going to look at porn differently. This is something I have been in evolution of since the Andrew Tate story. Now with your book? Describing how women looked at taking their clothes off as such an evolution in their personal success. Meanwhile it ends up being damaging to mental and physical health. Yikes! I also dated a guy with an Only Fans in 2024. Like Crystal Hefner with Hugh and the women he treated sex like a performance. Porn may be having lasting damaging effects on our ability to have intimate close relationships. I found the relationship with the Only Fans creator to be a sexual performance. Not an exercise in closeness. Which made me feel detached from them.

I am also going to look at Relics of misogyny differently. Charlie Sheen, Pierce Brosnan & Vince McMahon. These were all Powerful misogynist figures in one form of other I saw on the TV and in the news. What damage did this do to men and the culture of their relationships with women? How did this create ladies men who expect the performance of sex? I’ve seen Vince McMahon tell Trish Stratus to get on her hands & knees to bark like a dog. We saw Pierce Brosnan as James Bond coerce women to sex. Charlie Sheen was a commitment-phobic jerk on TV. A coke addict and womanizer off TV according to written accounts. I never thought about how these behaviors hurt the long term welfare of women. They don’t show that side of womanizing sex seeking behaviors on the TV set.

The last thing this has me thinking about. Is as Crystal Hefner’s health declined cause she was a wife being burdened with the care of her husband’s care in advanced age. The freedoms she has repressed and her recovery after his death. We need to look at old people differently. This may include smacking the power out of their hands! Damaging the productive generation for the benefits of old wealth and status is not inteligent. Crystal does talk about who she might be if not for porn. To me I can’t help think of it in the frame of. Who would she be if not for a Gross elderly person who demands control of her life? I have a neighbor who is elderly and tries to control me. Everytime she does I smack it down. I don’t submit to the elderly. Nor should you the reader. The elderly are hogging our wealth and Politics. That isn’t good! Yes I can’t help frame this novel in my ageism bias.

This is what I think in regards to Crystal Hefner’s book. Thank you so much to her for writing it. It was a pleasure to read. It was eye opening, englightening and sadly confirmed bias that I already had.

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