Bay of Quinte Pride. ‘Getting small funding is like Pulling teeth & Sabian bullies people with Social Politics.”

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I did a 1 hour 23 minutes with a disgruntled ex member of Bay of Quinte Pride. Here is what I learned.

Bay of Quinte Pride is a non-profit. ‘They help with local Support groups. ‘Except your group…” << Mocking . I spoke with someone who tried to get funding for a Transgender support group. However after a micro incident with Sabian Azriel Ackles . This person’s group lost their small funding and were removed from the Pride Committee.

Why getting funding is like pulling teeth? You have to get Sabian Azriel Ackles & Lynn Olson have to like you for you to get anything. Sabian Azriel Ackles is also accused of blowing micro-aggressions out of proportion and uses her emotions to get in the way of any opposition. Maybe one of the reasons this Pride Committee doesn’t Publish Committee members on their website. Is cause people would want to deal with them! I mean this angrily !

I am begging anyone from Bay of Quinte Pride. Actually read some thoughts about Racial justice. Don’t just spout off what you think Truth is. Then claim no one else has ownership of it! If everyone is a bully but you? You are the bully.

One of the things the Bay of Quinte Pride Committee has done? Is wrongfully accused members of Racism from mere Micro-Aggressions of older members potentially saying just something silly. For the purposes of granting more control to the younger members. Belleville Ontario is a retirement community. We can expect better on racism without exaggerating it and bolstering a victim complex. Which we then use to make LGBTQ2S older people feel disconnected from this community. If you look at the opinion on the Bay of Quinte Pride Committee. It is often the older people who most feel left out. Cause the committee often attacks and disposes of older people’s positions. In order to satisfy younger members and their hidden agenda.

Sabian Azriel Ackles allegedly uses Neurodivergence to attack people for their personality faults. For example calling a Committee member a liar who thinks they are better than everyone else! The ex member who said this. Says they don’t feel like they disclosed why this tantrum occurred by Sabian. Other than they believe it was performative emotion to move the other members of the Committee . As a Neuro-divergent adult. I can say a lot of people get diagnosed with Mental illness or complexity. Then use that as a mask for bad behavior. This way they can then bully others into complying with their agenda. You see this most famously On Tik Tok. However it is definitely a play people make in real life.

Sabian honey baby darling: You need to grow up. You work in a Community role. The community should expect some level of service. Let’s be honest older LGBTQ2S+ folks is where most of the neglect is occurring. Not with younger people with out of control victim complexes. People who do nothing and proudly declare. ‘I’M an activist!” No you’re not you are on Tik Tok, a Non-Profit committee or at a Pride Parade. You aren’t an activist. Calm down this isn’t the Black Panthers. You aren’t running a breakfast program. You are just having an adult fit. Autistic to Autistic. I am not a bully. You are a manipulative person.

Playing activist: Using identity politics to bully others and be First among Equals. Also can be used to bolster Capitalist interests. Like selling booze. Or selling T-Shirts.

Being an activist: Raising money for the sake of Progressive Politics or taking action against hunger or pollution for example.

If you care about Racism? Support a refugee group or go after one of the many wrongful dismissals on grounds of race that happened in Belleville Ontario. If you are neurodivergent? You should take more ownership of your feelings. Not just put on performances for the sake of defaming other members of the community. The person I talked to is a Transgender Business owner. They are in their fifties and I think the public would agree. They deserved better treatment from this committee.

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