This site expires September 2024. I will not be renewing it.

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Art Gallery above The revenge of artistic Parody.

Commentary: Want to Appropriate my image and send it around without my permission? ANONYMOUS Artists I know will make you Wonder Woman, a Turtle and a Romancer of the elderly.

Newer Blog Posts:

  2. Gary Hall as Wonder Woman.

To my Haters. I am actually letting this site expire September 2024. If you want you can choose to internalize this as your win. I think I have gotten everything I can get from WordPress Blogging. At this point the site has become a magnet for negativity and Conspiracy theory nuts. Which just isn’t the reason I run this blog.

Different love interest. I will call them the magnet.

Today I was contacted by an old Love Interest on TindR. However I met this person Belleville Downtown in 2021. A long time crush. After Eric’s dysfunction and years of silence from Kaylib. Hearing from this person was a breathe of fresh air to me. They asked if we could go for Coffee sometime? I said yes. Here is why this person is a magnet to me. I was attracted to them in person. A majority of my exes to I experienced my initial attraction online. The Initial attraction to this person is very Interpersonal. I’m hoping on some level they were waiting to reach out to me a time where I was getting more recovered. They aren’t a good texter but I love having them around. – The Decline of my Family Culture. AKA coming to age as a 30 year old with their own opinions, observations and Body of Politics. As older members of the family die or begin to retire. I know I won’t be as tied to my family as I once was. Still I think they will be glad to see this Blog no longer exists. – The Economics and Social Crisis destroying Belleville Ontario. A once nice place to live. I can remember a time where I felt I was truly starting a career in Belleville Ontario. A time when it felt free to be here. Now it feels like maybe it is a bit of a jail to be here. A Place with a downgrading Economy but people refuse to properly deal with it and correct the Political Discourse. – The Terry Fox Run I ran at 30. I admit I ran this to promote Tokyo Smoke products initially to a potential older target audience. However I still went to this after I was done at Tokyo Smoke and working for Best Buy. I followed through on something I initially intended to use as a Promotional plan. Cause of my own personal love for Terry Fox.

Why didn’t I cancel the site for Eric a guy I dated in 2024? Eric was attempting to seize too much control of me in 1 month. Truthfully I took the first opportunity of him mentioning ‘We might not be compatible” after a particular incident. For me to go. ‘You are right we are not compatible.” This was after thinking ‘I could fall for this person” but it was me romanticizing dysfunction. The more I internally evaluated this. The more I realized Eric was not the guy who was going to be there for me as I became less dependent on my family. This was not the guy who was going to better me professionally or manage my public image. This guy couldn’t let me speak about Israel? If you don’t let an anti-fascist Talk about Genocide. What is next? Can I talk about environment? Can I talk about Business? Talk about Politics? Talk about the downfalls of Marxist Leninism? Talk about the social death of Conservative Politics? I don’t need a boyfriend who agrees with me 100% of the time. I do need someone I can get on the same page with.

Advice for WordPress Bloggers

In doing a Mental health journal the intermixed with Free Speech and Business articles. I somewhat damaged my personal relationships. Don’t do this. You need to have a life outside of the internet. I wanted to be outspoken for a while and now I want to be quiet and focus on Audiobooks, Fitness lessons and Buying a camera. Maybe get my Cannabis habit under control. As I have once again detoxed from Insufficient funds.

I was hoping the blog would translate into meaningful interpersonal conversations initially. I find people cherry pick my content and then try to beat me down with their own agenda. Which to me only proved that the egos of this era are too big for me to find a relationship I find rewarding anymore. I don’t know I can be patient. Maybe things can change. I don’t know. I just know the blog isn’t heading in the direction I want. I am getting more of what I want from Audible than I am from this blog. If I want a particular conversation? I seem to be finding it there. Not through social networks.

Contact related to this blog.

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