Pearly things is Exploiting Divorce to promote subservience to men.

Response Written by Ashton Deroy
Video by Just Pearly Things

Intro: This blog is going to start Responding to Topics on Just Pearly Things. Just so that there is an opinion being formed outside of the return to tradition narrative being pitched to fix society. I am going to criticize concepts around dating, working and Politics. I will do so as someone with trauma and largely positions their politics as Left Liberal Politics.

Pearl Talk is arguably exploiting Divorce to push an agenda and sow misery as the norm for a large extent of women. Even in this video. Where a woman wants her ex husband back temporarily well she dies? If you can’t relate to someone reaching out well in pain? You are a monster. I don’t think the man in this scenario should indulge a delusion for his ex wife. However I think he should consider being a friend to her. Cause it is the compassionate thing to do. My Grandmother learned to play nice with her ex husband. Most sane people do. Unless there is severe trauma. Maybe we should consider connecting more to each other even as exes. .

Notice how Christine the woman in the video. Is automatically calling this desperate woman sinister. One thing Pearl Talk likes to do? Is flip the script and say actually women are largely the narcissistic players in relationships. Actually I hate to refute this because it touches on a bleakness of society. Women are still largely the ones being abused in relationships. Not doing the abuse. There are cases of Divorce abuse from women to men that I choose to recognize. However largely men are still dominating in the abuse. If you screen men for abusive behavior? Like I do. You will still notice an overwhelming amount of it.

Reconciling with an ex is personal. You have to approach it as a personal decision and likely some kind of compromise between two parties. I don’t believe every break up should stay broken up. I don’t believe anymore that exes can’t be friends. I chose that I need to change that belief after my ex Kaylib. Cause I burned bridges & left no survivors! All I have to show for it is being alone. I am only good at being alone so far. People need to notice when their ex is attempting to sabotage them. I am not inviting stupidity. I am just inviting you to attempt to connect with people who have been in your life when you can. Maybe the reconnection will be a net positive. I know exes that are friends with each other.

Personal Diary History

Well I was living with Christopher Rudan? My ex Joanna came to visit. This didn’t sabotage the relationship. There was no cheating and no horrific consequence. We just sat inside smoking pot all weekend and talked. Honestly I ended up blocking Joanna after this to. However I am glad we had this moment to reconcile. Having her over was Christopher’s idea. It was one of his few moments of genius in regards to my long term mental health.

There are ways of saying thank you for the history and moving on. There are ways of re-kindling romance. I think the point needs to be at the end of the day. It is your choice. You need to choose what is best for your mental health. If we treat people like temporary stops? We deserve to be alone. Cause they are still there some even still hurt even after they don’t see us everyday. Our Culture is one of loneliness. We need to do better. Ask what we owe people who have been there for us?

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